2.5 Grams Gold bar



PAMP Suisse is one of the world’s most respected precious metal refiners. Though it has only been operating since the late 1970s, the refinery has established a reputation for producing high-value products and innovative design. Its Fortuna gold bar was one of the first to feature a full-length design that embellishes the appearance of a gold bullion product. The 2.5 Gram PAMP Suisse Fortuna Veriscan Gold Bar is now available.

The proprietary Veriscan technology introduced by PAMP Suisse is meant to offer shoppers with a sense of ease. With fraudulent products floating around, the Veriscan system allows a buyer to verify their 2.5 Gram Gold Bar from PAMP Suisse by simply scanning its QR code. The microscopic topography of these gold bars made the perfect surface for creating individual fingerprints for each bar. When produced by PAMP, each bar is scanned. You can later scan your own bar to verify its authenticity.

Additional information

Weight0.088 oz