0.1 oz American Buffalo


0.1 oz gold buffalo coin


the American Buffalo Gold Coin Series featured fractional-ounce coins. The gold coins were issued with the popular gold weights found in the American Eagle Gold Series: 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, and 1/10 oz gold. These coins were available only in 2008 in the American Buffalo Series with the one-time release of a Burnished American Buffalo Gold coin. Right now, you can purchase 2008 Burnished American Buffalo 1/10 oz Gold Coins online at Provident Metals in perfect condition.

The US Mint is part of the US Department of the Treasury, thus gold Buffalo coins are guaranteed by the U.S. government to contain the stated amount of gold weight in troy ounces

The obverse of the coin features a portrait of a Native American designed by sculptor James Earle Fraser adapted from the 1913 Buffalo Nickel coin, with the words ‘LIBERTY’ to the upper right..

Additional information

Weight0.1 oz


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